1920 Casino
Casino1920 has closed, however there are many USA friendly Pragmatic Play Casinos you can play at HERE! Although we have no idea what gambling was like way back in 1920, we have a very good understanding of what gambling is like in the 21st century thanks to the one and only Casino 1920. Royal Events Presents: “The 1920s Casino Night” Do you want a special way of showing your appreciation to clients, business associates or employees? Experience Royal Events' very own '1920s Casino Night' – a casino night created in homage to the golden 20s.

1920 Casino Party
We have an early poster advertising Whitey Kaufman and his orchestra to appear at the Mount Pocono Casino on June 29, 1927. Click on the poster to see larger image. Dancing was from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., and the 'expense' was $1 per person.
Pretty pricey for the 1920s, but Kaufman was a big-name act, and had a hit phonograph recording called 'Paddlin' Madeline Home.' This recording came out in 1925, just two years after 'The Charleston,' and is one of those songs associated with the Roaring 20s. (Remember that 'records' had only been around for 25 years at the time this was made, and radio was just getting started!)
Marlin E. 'Whitey' Kaufman was from Lebanon, Pa., and formed the Original Pennsylvania Serenaders while a student at Lebanon Valley College in the early 1920s. The 11-piece group went on to become Victor recording artists, and were booked throughout the country through the mid to late 1930s.
In 1927: Mount Pocono was incorporated as a borough this year. Calvin Coolidge is president, and the country is enjoying the 'modernity' of the Roaring Twenties. Henry Ford sells his 15 millionth Model T, Charles Lindbergh makes the first transatlantic flight, and the 'Lindy Hop' becomes the latest dance craze. The United States is halfway through the Prohibition years, Babe Ruth hits a record-making 60 home runs, and the first talking motion picture, 'The Jazz Singer,' is released. The very first Academy Awards would be presented next year, in 1928.
1920 Casino Dealer
➤ THE 1930s